Simple responsive navigation bar with Tailwind CSS in React

A responsive navigation bar is an important aspect of any website or web application. It helps users to navigate easily and find the information they are looking for. With the help of Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework, creating a responsive navigation bar in React is easier than ever.

To create a simple responsive navigation bar, we first need to install Tailwind CSS and add it to our React project. Then, we can create a basic HTML structure for the navigation bar, including a menu icon that will be displayed on smaller screens. Next, we can use Tailwind CSS classes to style the navigation bar and make it responsive, with different layouts and styles depending on the screen size. Finally, we can add functionality to the menu icon using JavaScript or React, to toggle the display of the navigation menu on smaller screens. With these steps, we can create a clean and efficient responsive navigation bar using Tailwind CSS in React.

Demo Application

Output - Simple responsive navigation bar with Tailwind CSS in React - Clue Mediator
Output – Simple responsive navigation bar with Tailwind CSS in React – Clue Mediator

Simple responsive navigation bar with Tailwind CSS in React

  1. Project structure and Package dependencies
  2. Setup Tailwind CSS
  3. Implementation for mobile screen
  4. Implementation for desktop screen
  5. Output

1. Project structure and Package dependencies

  • responsive-navigation-tailwind-react-app
    • node_modules
    • public
      • index.html
    • src
      • App.js
      • index.css
      • index.js
      • Menu.js
    • package-lock.json
    • package.json

You will find the version of the following packages in React application.


2. Setup Tailwind CSS

We need to set up Tailwind CSS in our React project. Kindly refer to the following article for the steps on how to set up Tailwind CSS.

Getting started with Tailwind CSS in React

3. Implementation for mobile screen

We will use the mobile-first approach and create a design for mobile screens. Please refer to the following files for the mobile screen design.


You will get the following layout for the mobile screen.

Mobile Output - Simple responsive navigation bar with Tailwind CSS in React - Clue Mediator
Mobile Output – Simple responsive navigation bar with Tailwind CSS in React – Clue Mediator

4. Implementation for desktop screen

Now let’s add few more classes to design desktop view.


You will get the following layout for the desktop screen.

Desktop Output - Simple responsive navigation bar with Tailwind CSS in React - Clue Mediator
Desktop Output – Simple responsive navigation bar with Tailwind CSS in React – Clue Mediator

5. Output

Run your application and check the output in the browser.

That’s it for today.
Thank you for reading. Happy Coding..!!

Demo & Source Code

GitHub Repository
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