Tagged: File or Directory

Create Log Files in PHP with Custom Logging Levels - Clue Mediator

Create Log Files in PHP with Custom Logging Levels

Logging is a vital aspect of PHP application development, allowing developers to monitor, debug, and maintain their code effectively. Implementing a robust logging mechanism is crucial to track important events,...

File Transfers with PHP FTP Functions - Clue Mediator

File Transfers with PHP FTP Functions

File transfer is a fundamental operation in web development, whether you’re uploading files to a server, downloading resources, or synchronizing data between locations. To streamline this process and provide developers...

Mastering PHP FTP Server Connection and File Handling - Clue Mediator

Mastering PHP FTP Server Connection and File Handling

PHP is a versatile and widely-used scripting language for web development. Apart from creating dynamic web pages, PHP also allows seamless integration with FTP (File Transfer Protocol) servers, enabling developers...

Download a file using JavaScript - Clue Mediator

Download a file using JavaScript

Today we will show you how to download a file using JavaScript. Here we will give you the JavaScript method to download the file from the URL. Checkout more articles...