Tagged: API

Sending POST Request in JavaScript - Clue Mediator

Sending POST Request in JavaScript

In today’s interconnected world, web applications often need to communicate with servers to send or retrieve data. One of the essential methods for sending data to a server is through...

Different Ways to Fetch Data in React - Clue Mediator

Different Ways to Fetch Data in React

Fetching data is a common task in modern web applications, and React provides several methods to retrieve data from APIs, databases, or other sources. In this blog post, we will...

How to cancel a Fetch request in React - Clue Mediator

How to cancel a Fetch request in React

In React, canceling a fetch request is a common requirement when dealing with asynchronous data fetching. One approach to achieve this is by utilizing the AbortController API, which provides a...

How to use async/await in Loops - Clue Mediator

How to use async/await in Loops

In this article, we will show you how to use async/await in loops that you can use it with any JavaScript framework. Here we will see three different loops with...

How to use async functions in useEffect - Clue Mediator

How to use async functions in useEffect

The useEffect is the place where we mostly write code to get data. Data fetching is an asynchronous function so we can not use async/await in straightforward ways. In this...

Important HTTP Status Codes - Clue Mediator

Important HTTP Status Codes

Today we will show you the list of the important HTTP Status Codes. Checkout more articles on JavaScript/Node.js Top 8 popular npm packages for React and Node.js Barcode scanner in...