How to use React.memo() to not re-render when a new element is added to the component

React.memo() is a higher-order component that can be used to memoize functional components to prevent unnecessary re-renders. When the props of the component being memoized change, React.memo will compare the previous and current props. If there are no changes, the component will not be re-rendered.

To use React.memo to not re-render when a new element is added to the component, you can wrap the component with React.memo and pass a function that specifies the props that should trigger a re-render. In the case of adding a new element, the component should only re-render if the props that contain the list of elements have changed.

Here’s an example of how to use React.memo to prevent re-rendering when a new element is added to a list:

In this example, the List component is memoized using React.memo. The second argument to React.memo is a comparison function that compares the previous and current props. In this case, the function compares the items prop to determine if the component should be re-rendered. The App component contains a button that adds a new item to the items state array. When the button is clicked, the List component is not re-rendered because the comparison function determines that the items prop has not changed.

Using React.memo is a simple way to optimize performance by preventing unnecessary re-renders. However, it should be used judiciously, as memoizing too many components can lead to decreased performance due to the overhead of memoization.

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