How to generate random password using PHP and MySQL

Today, we will learn how to generate random password using PHP and MySQL. In this article, we will show you how to generate random passwords from the given specific string.

Generate Random Password Using PHP And MySQL, How to generate simple random password in php, A user friendly, strong password generator PHP function, How To Generate a Random String using PHP, Simple way to generate random password using php, Generating Random String Using PHP, auto generate password in php code, auto generate password in php code,php generate random string, generate 6 digit unique random number in php, php generate unique number sequence, how to create a random password generator in php.

Sometimes it’s required to auto generate secure passwords for user registration or in some other place. So we will show you how to do it.

Steps to generate random password

  1. Create signup form
  2. PHP code to generate random password

1. Create signup form

Here, we will create a file named signup.php for simple signup form. Also we have to pass another file in the action of the form.


2. PHP code to generate random password

Now we will create a file named generate_password.php and write PHP code for data connection, create function to generate random password and encrypt the generated password to save into database.


That’s it for today.
Thank you for reading. Happy Coding!

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