Socket.IO – How to implement Socket.IO in Node.js – Part 2

In this article, we’ll show you how to implement Socket.IO in Node.js. As we already discussed about the implementation flow of the Socket.IO application in the first part of the article so now it’s time to move on to the second part of the article to implement socket in Node.js application (Backend).

Socket.IO – How to implement Socket in Node js, Node.js tutorial with, real-time chat application using nodejs, Building a Node.js WebSocket Chat App with and react, Getting Started with Socket.IO, Node.js and Express, socket with node js example, How to use in angular with node.js?, Node example, web-socket in NodeJS, full client and server example.

We planned to divide this article into three parts.

Way to implement Socket.IO in Node.js

  1. Setup server using express
  2. Install dependency of socket
  3. Attach socket to the node server
  4. Create an event for client subscription
  5. Emit the message after subscription

1. Setup server using express

To begin the implementation, We have to start with simple REST API integration in Node.js using express framework. If you don’t know about it then refer to the link where you can find how to create REST API.

To enable the CORS we’re going to install cors npm package. Run the code below to install it.

After updating the CORS in the node server, your server.js file should look like this.


2. Install dependency of socket

To implement socket in Node.js, we have to install npm package. It will help us to connect the react application. Run the following command to install the dependency.

3. Attach socket to the node server

Now, let’s attach the Socket.IO to the Node.js HTTP server listening on port 4000. So let’s create a socket.js file at root level where we will manage the code of the socket connection and events.


Also we have to slightly update the server.js file. Check the following code of the server file.


4. Create an event for client subscription

Let’s create an event to the socket for client subscription. So once a client connects to the socket then we will ask for subscription to listen to the message.

Here we’ll get the interval for emitting the message in each interval.

5. Emit the message after subscription

Now at last we have to emit the message as a current UTC date to the client side.

So let’s combine all code together and see how it looks.


That’s it for today.
In Part 3 of this article, we’ll implement socket in ReactJS using
Thanks for reading. Happy Coding!

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