Grant Permissions to a MySQL User using Command Line

Granting appropriate permissions to MySQL users is crucial for managing database access and maintaining data security. In this blog post, we will walk you through the process of granting permissions to a MySQL user on Linux using the command line. By following these steps, you’ll be able to control user privileges and ensure the integrity of your MySQL databases.


Steps to Grant Permissions to a MySQL User

  1. Log in to MySQL
  2. Grant Permissions
  3. Apply the Changes

1. Log in to MySQL

To grant permissions to a MySQL user, you need to log in to the MySQL server using an account with administrative privileges. Open your terminal and enter the following command:

Replace your_username with the appropriate MySQL username if you are using a different administrative account. You will be prompted to enter the password for the specified user.

2. Grant Permissions

Once you are logged in to the MySQL command line, you can grant permissions to a user using the GRANT statement. The syntax is as follows:

Replace <privileges> with the specific privileges you want to grant, such as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or ALL. Replace <database_name> and <table_name> with the name of the database and table, respectively, or use the wildcard * to indicate all databases or tables.

Replace <username> with the MySQL username for which you want to grant permissions, and <host> with the appropriate host or IP address from which the user will connect. You can use '%' to allow access from any host.


To grant SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATE privileges on a database named exampledb and all its tables to a user named myuser connecting from localhost, use the following command:

Commonly Used Permissions:

3. Apply the Changes

To apply the changes and make them effective immediately, run the following command:

This command reloads the MySQL privilege tables, ensuring that the new user’s privileges are recognized by the server.


Granting appropriate permissions to MySQL users is crucial for controlling database access and maintaining data security. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you have learned how to grant permissions to a MySQL user on Linux using the command line. Remember to grant privileges selectively and use strong passwords to ensure the integrity and security of your MySQL databases.

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