Destructuring Assignment in JavaScript

Destructuring assignment is a feature introduced in ECMAScript 6 that allows you to extract values from objects and arrays, and assign them to variables. It simplifies the code and makes it more readable by reducing the number of lines of code required to perform certain tasks.

The syntax for destructuring assignment involves the use of curly braces {} for objects and square brackets [] for arrays. Let’s take a look at some examples to see how it works.

Destructuring Objects

Suppose you have an object with several properties:

You can use destructuring to extract the values of specific properties and assign them to variables like this:

In the example above, we use destructuring to extract the firstName, lastName, and city properties from the person object and assign them to variables with the same names.

Note that we also use destructuring to extract the city property from the address property, which is itself an object nested inside the person object.

You can also assign default values to variables in case the property being destructured is not defined in the object:

In the example above, we assign a default value of 'N/A' to the middleName variable in case it is not defined in the person object.

Destructuring Arrays

Destructuring can also be used with arrays. Consider the following array:

You can use destructuring to extract the values of specific elements and assign them to variables like this:

In the example above, we use destructuring to extract the first, second, and fourth elements from the numbers array and assign them to variables with the same names.

Note that we skip the third element in the array by using an empty space between the second and fourth elements.

You can also use destructuring to swap the values of two variables:

In the example above, we use destructuring to swap the values of a and b by creating a temporary array and destructuring it into the two variables.


Destructuring assignment is a powerful feature of ECMAScript 6 that allows you to extract values from objects and arrays and assign them to variables with ease. It simplifies the code and makes it more readable by reducing the number of lines of code required to perform certain tasks. With destructuring, you can write more concise and expressive code, and take advantage of the many benefits of functional programming.

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