How to convert a GIF to Video in Node.js

In this article, we will show you how to convert a GIF to Video in Node.js. Here, we’ll show you the simple way to generate a video from animated GIF using NPM package.

Package Version


File Structure

  • generate-gif-nodejs
    • images
      • result.gif
    • node_modules
    • output
      • result.mp4
    • package-lock.json
    • package.json
    • server.js

Steps to convert a video from gif

  1. Setup Node project
  2. Install NPM dependencies
  3. API to convert a video from gif
  4. Output

1. Setup Node project

To create a REST API in Node.js, we’ll use the express framework. If you don’t know how to design a REST API in Node.js using the express framework, please checkout the link below.

Create REST API in Node.js

2. Install NPM dependencies

To generate a video, we need to install the @ffmpeg-installer/ffmpeg, @ffprobe-installer/ffprobe and fluent-ffmpeg NPM packages to project. Run the following command to install the dependencies.

3. API to convert a video from gif

Here, we will get the GIF image from the directory called images and generate a mp4 video in output directory. You can refer the file structure for more understanding.

Now, check the following API code to convert a GIF to video.

In the above code, we have initialize the fluent-ffmpeg and set the path. You can add audio during conversion.

4. Output

Open the output directory after running the project API. You’ll see that the created mp4 video is available.

I hope you find this article helpful.
Thank you for reading. Happy Coding..!!

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