Tagged: React Example

React - Clue Mediator

Common Beginner Mistakes with React Hooks

Ready to dive into the world of React hooks? Buckle up, as we’re about to uncover some common trip-ups that many beginners encounter with these nifty little hooks. As you...

Understanding useMemo and useCallback in React - Clue Mediator

Understanding useMemo and useCallback in React

React is an amazing library for building user interfaces, but as your app grows, you might find yourself dealing with performance optimization challenges. Two key hooks, useMemo and useCallback, come...

How to create an OTP verification screen in React - Clue Mediator

How to create an OTP verification screen in React

In today’s digital world, ensuring the security of user accounts and data is paramount. One way to enhance security is by implementing OTP (One-Time Password) verification screens, which add an...

Different Ways to Fetch Data in React - Clue Mediator

Different Ways to Fetch Data in React

Fetching data is a common task in modern web applications, and React provides several methods to retrieve data from APIs, databases, or other sources. In this blog post, we will...

How to Add a Top Loading Bar in React - Clue Mediator

How to Add a Top Loading Bar in React

In this blog post, we will learn how to add a top loading bar in React using the react-top-loading-bar package. The react-top-loading-bar package provides a simple and customizable loading bar...

How to cancel a Fetch request in React - Clue Mediator

How to cancel a Fetch request in React

In React, canceling a fetch request is a common requirement when dealing with asynchronous data fetching. One approach to achieve this is by utilizing the AbortController API, which provides a...